
Standup n Stuff

5 min Standup Caravan Comedy Competition

5 Minutes of standup (mid-set final round of Funniest in Louisville)

Roast battle vs Toby Alten (One joke excerpt)

Roast battle vs Cathy Perkins (one joke excerpt)

Musical Comedy

20 minutes of full comedy songs)

Quickfire 5 Minutes of musical comedy (excerpts from 9ish songs)

Wet Ass Cookie's music video

Playing Jack Harlow on The Roast of Derby (raps only cut)

Headshots ETC

The obvious headshots are courtesy of Jonathan Walter Gregg. The rest are from my phone or the phone I broke last year. Also one is clearly a souvenir photo from Weird Al at The Caverns.

If you're doing a bio for show promo, feel free to pick parts/pieces from below or just use it how I wrote it. See if I care.

Bio #1

Destitute stand-up comedian Uncool Randy (pronounced “Uncle Randy”) is the first person in recorded history to score above 130 on the IQ test while having an actual real-life IQ of somewhere around 79. He is a stand-up comedian who is also an acclaimed comedy songwriter/singer/rapper - making him the sworn enemy of stand-up comedy purists.

He was, however, awarded Best of the Fest at the 2024 Burbank Comedy Festival, first place at the 2023 Funniest Person in Louisville Comedy Competition, and awarded Best Song of 2022 via Leo Reader’s Choice Awards - so it might still be worth checking him out.

Most of the time the guy does a bunch of sarcastic and wild jokes. Then he directly asks the audience if they want songs or if they want more stand-up as he whips out a projector that projects a list of songs behind him. He listens to their response then complies. Someone who is funny, direct, and listens? Marry me already...

Bio #2

Yeah, I got a bio for ya: Originally from parts unknown, now hailing from some other place, Uncool Randy’s style is like this list of other comedians you actually know from TV. Oh he brings some sort of flavor to the stage because his life was some sort of way growing up. You can relate to that, and you can relate to this next quip too some more *insert quip*. Ohhh, look at these awards and credits *insert basically 0 credits*. Look at who he's opened for. Slice of life. buy. Buy. BUYYY THE TICKETS! You know, something like that because that's what you gotta give em’, they say...

Bio #3

Sarcastic stand-up comedian Uncool Randy (pronounced Uncle Randy) is both a very silly boy and an acclaimed songwriter/singer/rapper. He is the winner of the Funniest Person in Louisville comedy competition (2023) and Best Song of 2022 via Leo Reader’s Choice Awards. A savage comedy roaster, he’s also won a handful of Roast War Championships.  When asked what to expect at a show, he said:

    “Expect a straight-up old-school stand-up set out of me. I got jokes, I'm wacky, I'm endearingly curmudgeon. Do you like comedy songs? Good, because sometimes I will put up a list of my songs and if most of the audience responds with something like: Let’s hear "Benedict Cumberbatch Can’t Say Penguin" or some other song - then I’ll push the button for the song. The speaker will play the tune while the projector projects the lyrics behind me. I use the projector so you can follow along and look for spelling errors. Also, go ahead and bring low expectations - that way, I can exceed them easier. Forget the awards, I’m a nobody. Always have been.”

    He’s won some awards, he’s featured for some very funny people, and, since you’re reading this, he’s on the show you’re thinking about going to.



- Burbank Comedy Festival (Best of the Fest, 2024)

- Jokin' Around (Finalist, 2024)

- Louisville Comedy Club Deathmatch Competition (Runner-up, 2024)

- The Caravan Comedy Competition (Finalist, 2024)
- Funniest Person in Louisville Comedy Competition (Champion, 2023)

- Summit City Comedy Club Hoosier 500 Comedy Competition (Finalist, 2023)
- Leo Readers Choice Award - Best Song in Louisville (Wet Ass Cookie, 2022)
- The Laughing Post Comedy Club (Georgetown) Comedy Competition (Finalist, 2021)
- Thunderdome champion (2022)
- Next Top Comic (Semi-finalist, 2023)
- Won a handful of Roast War Championships, including a main event (2021-2023)


Weekend Work/Name Dropping:
I have opened (featured) and hosted for a ton of people, including: Trailer Park Boys, Eddie Pepitone, Mo Alexander, Mandee McKelvie, Billy Wayne Davis, Caitlin Peluffo, Gwen Sunkle, Dan Alten, Patti Vasquez, Sean Smith, Blake Hammond, Wendi Ferguson, Lee Michael Kimbrell, Simon Fraizer, and a bunch of other fine folks. I've done the Character Assassination Roasts and a bunch of other character work. Headlined at Planet of the Tapes Comedy Club, Headlined the weekend showcase at the Caravan Comedy Club. I have headlined many independent venues as well and regularly do weekend work at clubs.